Sunday, September 5, 2010

August Beauty Tips


Choose a concealer that closely matches your skin tone to cover a skin problem. If you use a concealer with a lighter color, it will accentuate the problem instead of covering it.

Cover freckles with a shade that matches your skin color instead of using a darker shade to achieve a more natural look.

This tip is from my friend Rita on how to achieve thicker lashes. First use the wand on the top of your lashes twirling, and wiggling the wand upward to curl them. Then apply to underneath side of your top lashes. They will look thick and beautiful. If you want to apply mascara to the bottom lashes, apply it from underneath, twirl the wand upward for a light feathered look.

For nails that are too thin and brittle, take a folic acid supplement daily. It helps with both hair and nails. A great product to strengthen nails is “Nutra Nail” and it can be found at Walmart. Apply to unpolished nails and your nails will be long, strong, and beautiful!


Use tea tree oil soap instead of bacterial soap as it is just as effective, very gentle and will not dry out your skin.

For dry facial skin, before you apply moisturizer, mist your face with cool water, and then pat dry.

If your feet sweat excessively, massage cornstarch, or baking soda into your feet to eliminate odors.

For cracked lips, gently exfoliate with a toothbrush coated with Vaseline, and then apply lip balm.

For slow growing finger nails, take an omega-3 fish oil supplement daily to accelerate nail growth.

1 comment:

  1. Very good tips indeed...the vitamins and the supplements definitely necessary for the body.Beauty has to be from within...and no make up can fulfill that bit.
