Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Acne and Hyper pigmentation

Acne is a common and frequent dilemma that a majority of people suffer from as a result of environmental factors that are unavoidable, mental stress and hormonal shifts in the body. When looked at in detail the androgen hormone induces the sebaceous glands to secrete excessive amount of oil causing the skin pores to get clogged up. Bacteria and dirt begin to accumulate within the clogged skin pores leading to acne formation. Various treatments are available from home based remedies to over the counter medication however the extent of effectiveness of the treatment depends on the type of acne condition and the severity of the acne.

Hyper pigmentation in particular appears as dark spots that develop as a result of acne. Post inflammatory hyper pigmentation occurs when after the formation of acne lesions, excess melanin accumulates in one part of the skin. It basically appears as dark spots on the skin. Many often confuse this with acne scars. Hyper pigmentation according to dermatologist usually goes away after a long period of time. The primary cause of hyper pigmentation is exposure to sunlight that affects the skin, hormonal shifts in the body during pregnancy or the use of oral contraceptive pills.

A few useful tips to improve the skin condition is to avoid excessive exposure to sunlight or use of effective sun block. A treatment prescribed by doctors is a prescribed cream that has a higher amount of hydroquinone, it is even used with cortisone cream and tretinoin. The treatment duration is comparatively lengthy taking around 3 to 6 months. One downside to the treatment is that it often causes skin irritation. Other treatments include laser surgery, light chemical peels and micro dermabrasion. Doctors however recommend such treatment on individuals with darker skin tone when all other form of treatments has proven to be ineffective.

About the Author: Nick has been an expert in skin health writing specifically on the subject of acne. His work has been published on various websites and magazines and provides insightful advice for acne treatment acne medication, skin regimes etc.

1 comment:

  1. Acne is a very big and persistent problem.When it starts breaking out it is very difficult to control through various methodologies.Good discussion this.
