Saturday, August 14, 2010

Beauty Tips and Tricks to Apply Eyeliner

Eyeliner is a great way to enhance your eyes and create a dramatic look. If you follow these tips, you will achieve a fresh and professional look that will make your eyes sparkle.

Color is one of the first things to consider when choosing your eye liner. Remember contrast is the key that will bring out the natural color of your eyes. Don’t be afraid to experiment a little. For example, brown, or charcoal works well bringing out the color of blue eyes. Black works well for women with dark hair. Plum is a great color for green eyes. Dark blue eyeliner can be very dramatic for brown eyes. A general rule for color: light colors will protrude and darker colors recede.

You can achieve a more natural look by using two different shades of eyeliner, a darker one for the upper eyelids and a lighter one for the lower eyelids. Or you can achieve the same look simply by smudging the eyeliner on the lower lids.

Choose an eyeliner pencil with a softer texture. Using an eyeliner pencil that is hard and waxy makes it difficult to achieve a smooth line. The goal is to create a nice smooth, unbroken line that enhances the natural shape of your eye.

The shape of your eyes will help you to determine the placement of your eyeliner. To make your eyes look closer together, draw the line a little thicker near the inner corner of your eyes. To make them look farther apart, draw the line a little thicker near the outside corners of your eyes. To make them look bigger, draw an even line along the natural shape of your upper and lower eyelids. To make them look rounder, draw a thicker line near the outside edges of both your upper and lower lids. To make your eyes appear more oval, draw a line that is thicker in the middle of your upper eyelids.

For an overall smoother look and one that will last longer, use a creamy powder on your eyelids before you apply eyeliner.

One of the most important keys to applying eyeliner is to use a pencil that is very sharp and apply as close to your eyelashes as possible. For a more natural look, start your eyeliner close to where your eyelashes begin near the inside of your eye and follow to the outside edge of your eyelashes. Where you apply eyeliner depends on the shape you are trying to create.

You may also want to warm up the eyeliner before applying to achieve a smoother look by running warm water over the pencil with the lid on. For the lower lid, start at the outside and move toward the inside corner.

The pressure you use to apply eyeliner can be used to enhance the shape of your eye. For an even line, apply the same pressure all the way across. Apply more pressure to increase the weight of the line where you want a thicker line and vice versa for a thinner line.

The lower eyelids will look more natural if you end the line about 75% over from the outside edges. You may want to use a Q-tip to soften the line, starting at the outside edge, moving toward the inside to “smudge” it a bit.

The goal of eyeliner is to enhance, and draw attention to eyes. It also provides an opportunity to recreate the shape of your eyes. If you follow these tips your eyes will be one of the first things people notice about you. When properly applied, eyeliner will make your eyes more defined and draw attention to one of the most important features of your face, the windows to your soul.

You can find everything to create beautiful eyes here.


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