Saturday, July 10, 2010

Seven Tips to Feel More Beautiful by Increasing Your Self Esteem

The biggest challenge to being beautiful is feeling beautiful. Our hectic lives can sometimes put our spirits on the back burner and we can begin to under value ourselves. Here are few things you can do to feel good about yourself, boost your self esteem and feel beautiful about the person you already are.

Tip 1
Know you are unique!
When you wake up in the morning, remind yourself that you are unique and there is no one else like you in the whole world.

Tip 2
Respect yourself!
Think about what your deepest needs are as a person and consciously make an effort to fulfill those needs. We are not talking about immediate gratification, but your deepest needs as an individual. Ask yourself who am I? Am I living my true purpose? How do I get there? Take baby steps.

Tip 3
Be your own person!
Decide what you want out of life and pursue it with enthusiasm. Do not let others decide what your life should be.

Tip 4
Feel good about yourself!
Keep a journal and write down 10 to 15 things you accomplished well every day. This will help you focus on the positive things you did so you will spend less time on the negative things.

Tip 5
Don’t try to be perfect!
Trying to be perfect is a negative loop and can keep you from accomplishing even the smallest goal. The reality is that life is not perfect. Do the best you can and be genuinely happy with the outcome.

Tip 6
Inspire Yourself!
Pursue work and activities that inspire you to be the best person you can be. Engage in activities and hobbies you have a passion for and you will feel on top of the world!

Tip 7
Express your inner joy and laugh whenever it is possible. See a comedy show, watch a funny movie, or read a funny book. Laughter is contagious and good for your mind, spirit, body, and those around you.

These are just a few tips to help you increase your self esteem. All of us have experienced times where we just don’t feel as good about ourselves as we are capable of. When you have healthy self esteem, you love and appreciate yourself exactly as you are. Remember you are unique and have enormous potential. Isn’t it time you allowed yourself to express the beautiful person you already are?

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