Monday, March 29, 2010

Feeling Beautiful

I started my website, about 3 weeks ago and I have really been learning a lot about my women friends and myself.

I chose the name intentionally because I wanted to create a positive affirmation for women. When you shop on my site and someone asks you where you bought it, you would say “from I’m Beautiful”. I wanted to create a situation for women to say something positive about themselves.

I am really beginning to believe I am on the right track about this issue many of us women share. For example, my friend Rita was reading the text on my home page and said, “Well, it sounded good until I got to the part that says ‘we are dedicated to providing beautiful women . . . ‘ and then I thought, ‘I can’t shop there, I’m not beautiful.’”

I was shocked to hear her say that because she really is a beautiful woman. She has class, always dresses impeccably, and has a great sense of humor and fun, great bone structure, tall, large beautiful brown eyes. I mean she really is beautiful!

I started talking to some of my other women friends and it turns out that almost none of them feel they are beautiful. Why is that?

I am almost convinced it’s a woman’s thing. Men don’t seem to have this problem. A man can look like Larry the Cable guy, but when he looks in the mirror, he sees Brad Pitt. Why can’t we do that?

The answer is we can! This is my message to every woman who needs to hear it (including me), the next time you look in the mirror and start to criticize one of your tiny little flaws, just STOP, smile at yourself and say “I’m Beautiful Now!”

The truth is you really are beautiful just the way you are! The less you criticize yourself, the more beautiful you will feel. The more you tell yourself the truth, the more beautiful you will feel.

You really ARE Beautiful Now!


1 comment:

  1. What a great site, I have found so many products at great prices. I also enjoy your tips,very helpful. You actually make me feel beautiful just reading your site, thanks
